Proposal Writing Institute

The Proposal Writing Institute will be paused for 2024 and not accepting applications.

Please watch for more information on two new targeted training opportunities launching in Spring Semester 2024 – the NSF CAREER Academy and the NIH R01 InterFACE (Faculty Academy for Competitive Excellence) Program.

The Proposal Writing Institute (PWI) is the annual, intensive training workshop offered each Spring by the Research Development division that is designed to assist researchers in learning the tools and techniques to develop high-quality proposals. The PWI features a small-group setting, allowing for individualized attention, and participants actively work on a proposal during the workshop sessions that they will ultimately submit to an external funding agency at the conclusion of the Institute.

Steps Deadlines
Applications available December
Completed applications due to Dean's Offices Varies by College
College finalists forwarded to Research Development Mid-February
Application notifications sent Early March
PWI sessions May - early June
Completion of all PWI requirements Within 1 Year

Institute Overview

A comprehensive approach to the proposal development process will be achieved during the Institute through presentations, discussions, and small-group activities. Some of the Institute topics include: developing a proposal outline from the RFA/RFP and agency guidelines; creating timelines for proposal development; analyzing project aims/objectives in relation to funder goals; building budgets based on project tasks; mock review panel(s); and understanding the proposal submission/review/resubmission process.

Who Can Participate

USU researchers eager to learn how to write better proposals for external funding of their research are invited to apply. New researchers are especially encouraged but applications are also welcomed from established faculty who may be less experienced in developing proposals for external funding consideration or simply want to improve their efforts. Priority is given to faculty who are in tenure-track positions.


Participants are expected to attend all Institute sessions, complete proposal-related assignments, and constructively contribute in small-group activities. Within 1 year of the completion of the Institute, participants are expected to submit the proposal they worked on during the sessions to an external funding agency and provide a copy of the final proposal to Research Development.


Acceptance to participate in the Institute is a competitive process requiring the submission of an application. The Dean’s Offices collect applications from faculty, rank them, then forward to the Research Development division for final selection. The top candidate from each college is automatically admitted to the Institute, with the unoccupied Institute seats filled based upon the strength of the remaining applications and readiness for the Institute experience.