Courses to Support Undergraduate Research

English 2010, Research Writing

This sophomore level writing class, also offered through Honors, offers an introduction to ethics and research so that any student is cued about responsible conduct of research. These principles are appropriate for researchers as well as for educated citizens and helps fulfill the University Studies mission statement of preparing “Citizen- Scholars.”

USU 4900, Undergraduate Research

Many departments have their own course prefix/number for undergraduate credit. For those departments that do not, the university number can be used. Grades are submitted by the Associate Vice President, and the work is evaluated by a faculty member.

USU 6900, Research Integrity/Non-Course Research Scholars Forum

Visit the USU 6900, Research Integrity/Non-Course Research Scholars Forum.

Increasing emphasis among Federal funding agencies is being placed on ensuring that students and post-doctoral researchers are exposed to and comply with societal standards for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). All trainees receiving funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and from certain National Institutes of Health grants are required to participate in RCR programs. In addition beginning this year, all doctoral students are required to complete RCR training as well. Utah State University provides this training for all individuals through its Research Scholars Certification Program. It is offered without charge to all students and post-doctoral researchers.

Participants in this course will receive training required by key Federal agencies to participate in their grant programs, and successful completion will include both Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) certification. The course will provide an overview of approaches to moral reasoning and of core research integrity issues including:

  • Ethical treatment of human subjects in research
  • Ethical care and use of animals in research
  • Data management
  • Authorship and publication practices
  • Peer review
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Collaborative science
  • Mentor/trainee relationships
  • Research misconduct

The course uses a case-based learning approach, with required readings and preparation and analysis of one case. Advanced undergraduates and graduates may enroll.

Credit Courses, Volunteer Work and Employment

Students will find that departments have varying rules and principles on whether research may be done for credit or pay. Rarely would a department allow a student to receive both course credit and pay for a project. Explore the department’s expectations  with your faculty mentor or associate dean.

The University also has a Career Design Center which links the students to a meaningful career and employment. At the center, students are given the opportunity to choose a career, find an internship, prepare for graduate school, and find a job. USU understands that being able to locate a meaningful career can have a huge impact on an individual’s emotional and physical health, quality of life, and the ability to reach one’s highest potential.

All student employment jobs are posted in Aggie Handshake. The site has a step-by-step guide and an overview section to help you navigate through the page.

If you are still unsure of what to do or you are still thinking of your career options, it is a good idea to visit the coaches at the Career Design Center so they can help you out.