Soukaina Boubrahimi

2024 Faculty Researcher of the Year Award Nominee

College of Science | Computer Science

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Dr. Soukaina Filali Boubrahimi obtained her Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Georgia State University (GSU) in 2020 (under the supervision of Dr. Rafal Angryk). During her doctoral studies at GSU, she received the title of “Outstanding Teaching Awardee” of the year 2019 and “Outstanding Research Awardee” of the year 2018 from the computer science department of GSU. She joined the Department of Computer Science at Utah State University (USU) as an assistant professor in 2020. Dr. Boubrahimi’s primary research centers around data mining from scientific time series, graph, and spatiotemporal data. Her research team’s research efforts are directed towards developing novel algorithms for predicting solar flares and solar energetic particle events, addressing critical challenges such as limited datasets and incomplete understanding of solar dynamics. She has authored over 50 peer reviewed conference, workshop, and journal articles and 2 book chapters during her career. She is the recipient of the “Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award” of the year 2022 from the Computer Science department of USU. In the past two years, she has received federal and state funding exceeding $1.2 million to bolster her research endeavors and support student training. Dr. Boubrahimi is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER award.