Brent Chamberlain

2024 Faculty Researcher of the Year Award Nominee

College of Agriculture and Aapplied Sciences | Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning

Brent Chamberlain

Brent Chamberlain, Ph.D., is a computational environmental planner and Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at Utah State University. His scholarly background is diverse, spanning computer science, natural resources management, psychology and urban planning. His research interests include visualization and spatial data science, applied machine learning, and environmental perception of built and natural environments. His work is inspired by a drive to better understand linkages between humans and our natural world and then to use this knowledge to plan and design a better future for both. To facilitate these efforts, he has earned, with collaborators, over $5,000,000 in funding from several federal agencies including the National Science Foundation, the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, and the US Army Research Institute. He has published three dozen peer review papers and has given over 100 research presentations globally. In 2023 he received the Excellence in Research or Creative Work Award from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. This is the highest research award for faculty with less than ten career years as a professor. He is the only environmental planner to have received an Early Career Award from the Army Research Institute.