Robert Ward

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences

Robert E. Ward is an Associate Professor in the Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences (NDFS) Department. He received a B.A. from the University of Vermont and Master’s and PhD degrees in Food Science and Technology from the University of California, Davis. Dr. Ward’s research involves the study of bioactive nutrients, or components of food that are thought to provide benefits beyond addressing basic nutritional needs. Dr. Ward was the first to show that oligosaccharides in human milk are metabolized by specific strains of bifidobacteria. The Ward Lab focuses primarily on studying dairy bioactives, polyunsaturated fatty acids and gut health in both preclinical and clinical studies. The lab has received funding from the USDA, Dairy Management Inc., and several food companies. In addition, Dr. Ward is a member of the Applied Nutrition Research Team at USU. Together with ANRT members Dr. Ward developed the Total Western Diet, a rodent diet that reflects the average nutrient intakes of Americans. Dr. Ward is currently co-PI on two USDA grants with other ANRT members. The Ward Lab provides food chemistry analytical expertise in lipids, volatiles and small molecule metabolites to several collaborators in the NDFS Department, the CAAS, and others.