Jacob Meyer

John M Huntsman School of Business

Economics and Finance

Jacob Meyer will receive his Master of Science in Economics in Spring 2020, graduating with a 4.0. He completed his undergraduate studies at Utah State, with degrees in Economics and International Business, and a minor in Mathematics.

During his graduate studies, Jacob worked as a student researcher at the Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University. In this capacity he worked on a variety of research projects, taught student modules, and served as a peer mentor. On the research front, Jacob has worked with USU faculty Dr. Briggs Depew and Dr. Lucas Rentschler on projects in applied and experimental economics. His current research focuses on how legal access to alcohol affects car accidents, and how voting laws affect citizen informedness.

Jacob has presented his research at academic conferences in Utah, Florida, and The Bahamas; he will be presenting in Utah, Nevada, and California this spring. Besides research, Jacob also enjoys racing mountain bikes, and was proud to represent the Aggies at the 2019 USA Cycling Collegiate Mountain Bike National Championships. After graduation, he plans to support his wife Lydia as she finishes her BFA in Ceramics at Utah State, and to then pursue his PhD in economics.