Master's Student Researcher of the Year Award Nomination Procedures

The Office of Research seeks nominations from the colleges for outstanding Master’s students to be considered for University Master’s Student Researcher of the Year (submissions can only be made by the college deans’ offices). All college Master’s Student Researchers of the Year should be submitted to be part of the selection pool, from which one will be chosen and the University Master’s Student Researcher of the Year.


  • Student must be selected and endorsed by his or her college dean. This submission process is for colleges to forward their nomination only; to nominate a student for consideration at the college level, talk to your department about departmental procedures to nominate students to your college.

Submission Materials

  • Name and A # of nominee
  • Curriculum vitae in standard format
  • A 2-page statement by the candidate (including summary of research projects, grants, presentation and recent publication, with an emphasis on USU involvement)
  • 200-word bio of the nominee
  • Current photograph (professional-type headshot preferred)
  • A letter of nomination from the nominee’s dean, department head or major professor


  • Colleges should seek broad input to identify college nominees.
  • Colleges will utilize a college-specific process of selection.
  • College deans' offices will make the final decision in selecting their college Master’s Researcher of the Year.
  • The college deans’ offices will fill out the online form to submit their selectees for consideration for the University Master’s Researcher of the Year.
  • The Office of Research, in consultation with USUSA, will select the University Master’s Researcher of the Year from the nominees submitted online.
  • Deadline for online submission to the Office of Research is January 26.


  • The University Master’s Student Researcher of the Year will receive a $300 monetary award.
  • Recipient will be announced at USU’s annual Robins Awards Ceremony.
  • College nominees will be recognized at the Student Research Awards Ceremony during Research Week.