Hongjie Wang
College of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor of the Year

Dr. Hongjie Wang received his B.S. degree from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (Shanghai, China, 2009), M.S. degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University, (Shanghai, China, 2012), and a Ph.D. degree from USU (Logan, UT, 2018), all in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Wang published 45 papers, holds 5 U.S. patents, is the publication chair of the 2023 Wireless Power Technology Conference and Expo (IEEE-WPTEC), a guest associate editor of a special issue in the Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, a reviewer for multiple IEEE Transactions, and served on NSF and DOE proposal review panels. Since he joined the ECE department as an Assistant Professor in 2019, Dr. Wang mentored tremendous undergraduate research in the DOE, NSF, EURP, URCO, and other sources-funded research covering both electrical and mechanical engineering undergraduate students from sophomore to senior. Undergraduate students mentored by Dr. Wang published peer-reviewed papers at top-ranked IEEE-sponsored conferences, won the grand prize at an IEEE-sponsored International Future Energy Competition, were awarded prestigious scholarships, and have been selected to present their research at various conferences, including Scientific Connections Conference and Research on Capitol Hill event. Many of the undergraduate students that Dr. Wang mentored decided to continue graduate study with him because of the high-quality research and enjoyable research experience.

Hongjie Wang