Sarah O'Neill

2024 Peak Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year Award Nominee

College of Humanities and Social Sciences | World Languages and Culture

Since joining the University in Fall of 2020, Dr. O’Neill has strived to support undergraduate research in the Department of World Languages and Cultures by guiding students through linguistic research methodology and expanding the definition of research help students their creative works in Spanish. In her linguistics courses, she prepares her students to submit to symposia by guiding them through human-subjects research protocol, linguistic methodology, and abstract-writing. In Advanced Spanish Grammar, her students write microfiction collections in Spanish. She partners with USU librarians to publish their E-books in the Digital Commons. This project adds diversity to our Digital Commons, both with regard to the language and to the creative nature of the works. She also partnered with Artes de México en Utah, a nonprofit organization out of Salt Lake City, which provided poetry workshops for students. Each student prepared a collection of original poems. She organized an event for students and invited guests from Artes de México en Utah to read their poetry. Students also submitted poems to the Sor Juana Poetry Contest that the organization hosts. Several of our students won prizes in the contest and presented their poetry this year at the official Sor Juana recital in SLC.