
There are two pieces to GRCO reporting:

  • Final Report: A PDF file summarizing the current status of the project. This may be a poster, manuscript or narrative of the research or creative work. 
  • Impact Statement: A PDF file including information on how the GRCO helped to support the student's project, its impacts on the student's progress in their program, and implications for their future career.  
  • Financial Report: A PDF file including this form followed by all receipts. The report form should delineate all expenditures; note that any unused GRCO funds must be returned to the GRCO program upon the report deadline.

Submit these reports to the current Graduate Studies Senator ( in the Student Involvement and Leadership Center via the form below.

Reporting Deadlines

  • GRCOs awarded in the Fall are due April 30 of the following year

Failure to close out the GRCO grant officially can result in holds being placed on records. Any extensions to these deadlines should be requested via e-mail to the Graduate Studies Senator ( with a rationale for the extension and a projected completion date. Funds that are not used will be pulled back from the student’s department by USUSA to fund other student involvement initiatives.

Submit Report