To receive federal funding and conduct research or teaching with animals, the university must have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) that complies with federal regulations and policies.
IACUC members are appointed by the “institutional official” who has the administrative and operational authority to maintain effective compliance programs overseeing animal research and appoints all members of the IACUC. At USU, this individual is the vice president for USU Research.
Federal regulations and university policy require a minimum committee size of five individuals while also identifying specific roles that must be filled by voting members. Non-voting members are also allowed to assist the function of the committee by providing subject matter expertise or administrative support.
Voting Members
- Chairperson: Facilitates proper committee conduct in the review of animal use protocols.
- Non-scientist: Does not use animals in their teaching or research; represents the non-scientific perspective of animal research.
- University attending veterinarian: Must have direct or delegated responsibility over the animal care and use program of the institution. At USU, the university attending veterinarian also acts as the IACUC administrator to oversee the day-to-day functioning of the committee.
- Scientist: Uses animals in their teaching or research activities.
- Nonaffiliated member: Not affiliated with the university and represents community values.
Non-voting Members
- IACUC Secretary: Provides administrative support for the function of the IACUC.
- Environmental Health and Safety: Provides subject matter expertise on safety issues associated with the use of animals in teaching or research.
The USU IACUC to includes representation from a broad range of departments that make use of the committee’s services. Over the past 15 years, committee members have included those from the following departments: Nutrition, Food Science, and Dietetics; Biology; Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences; Wildland Resources; Plants, Soils, and Climate; and the Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory. With the exception of the university attending veterinarian, all voting IACUC members serve on a volunteer basis.
The USU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee meets all federal requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Utah State University’s PHS Animal Welfare Assurance Number?
Utah State University’s Animal Welfare Assurance number is: D16-00468. Here is a copy of the Assurance Approval Letter.
What is the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee?
The IACUC is a standing committee and charged under the Animal Welfare Act with representing “....society's concerns regarding the welfare of animal subjects ...” The Committee oversees the University’s animal care and use program and is responsible for reviewing all animal care applications using vertebrate animals, ensuring compliance with federal animal welfare regulations, inspecting animal facilities and investigator laboratories, and investigating animal concerns.
The establishment and operation of the IACUC in relation to the use of vertebrate animals in teaching or research is mandated by Federal regulation and policy. (Animal Welfare Act and Regulations; Public Health Services Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals)
What is an Animal Care and Use Protocol?
The Animal Care and Use Protocol describes, in detail, how an investigator will utilize animals in their proposed research. This animal care and use protocol is submitted through the Kuali protocol management system.
Who may submit an IACUC protocol?
Only faculty members may act as Principal Investigators and submit an IACUC protocol. Support personnel (graduate students, post-docs, etc.) may access the protocol form in Kuali and assist in preparing the protocol for submission.
When should an Animal Care and Use protocol be submitted to the IACUC?
It is University policy (USU Policy 585: Animal Care and Use) that all use of live vertebrate animals for teaching, research or demonstration by USU personnel must receive review and approval from the IACUC.
What happens after submission of the Animal Care and Use protocol for IACUC review?
Reviews of new protocols and amendment will be conducted in compliance with the established USU IACUC Standard Operating Procedure #5:
What is the average time before IACUC approval is received?
On average, IACUC approval is received within 3-4 weeks of protocol submission. Approval times vary depending on the completeness of the protocol and the efficiency of the investigator in addressing the committee's questions regarding the submitted protocol. Therefore, it is recommended that investigator plans for 4-6 weeks to obtain IACUC protocol approval.
May the IACUC administratively extend approval of a project that has expired?
NO. IACUCs do not have authority to administratively extend approval beyond the expiration deadline. When IACUC approval expires the protocol lacks valid approval. Continuation of animal activities in the absence of valid approval is a serious and reportable violation of PHS Policy (See NOT-OD-05-034) [A11], and may jeopardize both investigator and university funding. All activities involving the use of animals must stop immediately. Animals will go on to LARC Holding Protocol for only routine husbandry (no research manipulations) and federal funds may not be used to pay for housing per diems during this time.
How long does an IACUC approval last?
- All IACUC protocols receive an approval of three years. After three years a protocol must undergo a full review by the IACUC to be renewed.
- Investigators may be asked to give annual updates of IACUC status.
- If a research project is complete, a protocol may be closed early. Once a protocol has been closed it cannot be reopened and a new protocol must be submitted for IACUC review.
What should I do if I am worried about animal misuse?
Any concern about poor animal welfare at USU must be reported to the IACUC. Reports may be made to the LARC office, the USU Attending Veterinarian, or any member of the IACUC. Anonymous reporting is available.
The USU IACUC is committed to investigating all reports of animals misuse or poor welfare