LARC Policies

The use and care of animals in the LARC is in accordance with the USDA Animal Welfare Act; PHS “Policy for the Humane Care and Use of Animals;” U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training; and the Animal Welfare Policies of the University (Policy 585: Animal Care and Use). In order to ensure that these regulations and guidelines are followed and the LARC is operated equitably and efficiently, certain restrictions and administrative requirements are necessary.

Compliance with the below stipulations will ensure continued LARC support:

Humane Treatment of Animals
Inhumane treatment of any animal will not be tolerated.

IACUC Approval
All animal use must receive prior review and approval from the USU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Only University faculty members may submit IACUC protocols for review. You can apply at

Facility Access
Only individuals who are associated with an approved IACUC protocol, have enrolled in the LARC Occupational Health and Safety program, and who have completed all necessary training will be provided facility access. Temporary access may be allowed for individuals escorted within the facilities.

Facility Space
The animal care facilities are managed as a University wide resource. Facility space is generally provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order to avoid delays in initiating research projects and so that cages and space are available when needed, the investigator should make arrangements with the LARC manager as early as possible.

Proper Animal Handling
All animals will be properly handled at all times. Any person not familiar with the species involved in the experiment should request additional training from LARC support staff.

PI Responsibilities
The principal investigators are responsible for all experimental procedures conducted by members of the research team (research technicians, graduate students, etc).

Facility Access
Only authorized personnel are allowed in the LARC. Tours of the facility may be arranged after consulting with the Director or the Supervisor.

Personal Protective Equipment
All personnel will wear appropriate protective clothing while in the animal and experimental rooms. LARC lab coats are available for use while in the facility.

Requisite Animal Handling Experience
Personnel who are actually working with the animals must have training (education or experience) prior to performing experimental manipulations with the animals.

Animal Husbandry Practices
Acceptable animal husbandry and sanitation practices as outlined in the LARC’s Standard Operating Procedures manual will be followed at all times.

Anesthesia and Analgesia
Appropriate anesthetics, analgesics, or tranquilizers as determined by the staff veterinarian must be used to relieve all unnecessary pain and distress to animals unless approval has been obtained in writing from the IACUC.

Photography within the facility must receive prior approval.

Equipment Use
Shared support equipment (i.e. scales, restrainers, etc.) is for use by all personnel utilizing the LARC. Please do not remove any equipment from the facility.

Food, Drink and Smoking
Eating and drinking within the facility is only permitted in designated areas. Smoking is not allowed in any area of the building.

Accidents in the Facilities
All accidents or injuries occurring within the LARC facilities are to be promptly reported to the LARC Manager.

Storing Deceased Animals
Animal carcasses should be stored in the designated freezer or cold rooms in the facilities.

Ordering Animals
All animals must be ordered through the LARC office. Contact the LARC office to arrange purchase or delivery.

Animal Quarantine
Animals are received at the LARC on Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday. Animals undergo standard quarantine of 72 hours for animals from approved sources. Shorter quarantine periods must receive approval from the facility veterinarian.

Delayed Animal Delivery
Inhumane treatment of any animal will not be tolerated.

Payment for Animals
Investigators will be charged for all animals they order that arrive at the facility unless the animals arrive ill, moribund or dead.


Non-compliance with the above stipulations may result in suspension of the privilege of using the LARC or its equipment.