Microscopy Core Facility

The Microscopy Core Facility at Utah State University is a research service unit managed by the Office of Research. The facility maintains a scanning electron microscope equipped with EDS/EBSD system, a dualbeam (FIB/SEM) microscope equipped with Omniprobe/EBSD system, a laser dissection microscope, and several microscopy sample preparation tools. The facility provides microscopy service, project consultation, and user training. The Facility operates on a fee-for-service basis, see the rates page for details. Please contact us by email fenann.shen@usu.edu or phone (435)797-8560 for service or training.

Location: SER 005 (in the basement of the Science Engineering Research Building)

Hours of Operation: Friday: Closed; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,  and Thursday 11:00am to 5:00pm.

SEM, EDS and EBSD Images

See all images taken with the Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, and Electron BackScatter Diffraction in the Microscopy Core Facility.

E-SEM Videos

Real time micro-scale salt crystal formation from a aqueous solution after water being evaporated.

Real time micro-scale water droplet formation after water condensation.