PDRFs - Past and Present
Meet fellows from the beginning cohort through to our most recent new students. A group of fellows is selected for spotlighting each year; this does not represent every student in the program, but gives a snapshot of the program over time.
Year | Name | Program | Mentor |
2016 | Shakil Ahmed | Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
2019 | Jamal-Jared Alexander | PhD in English | Dr. Rebecca Walton |
2015 | Idowu Atoloye | PhD in Plants, Soils, and Climate | Dr. Jennifer Reeve |
2012 | Antra Boča | PhD in Wildland Resoures | Dr. Helga Van Miegroet |
2020 | Paige Boyle | PhD in Ecology | Dr. Kelly Kopp |
2020 | Michael Briscoe | PhD in Sociology | Dr. Jennifer Givens |
2020 | Michelle Burrows | PhD in Agriculture Education | Dr. Tyson Sorensen |
2014 | Ryan Cain | PhD in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences | Dr. Victor Lee |
2014 | Benjamin Call | PhD in Engineering Education | Dr. Wade Goodridge |
2014 | Mike Channer | PhD in Geology | Dr. Alexis Ault |
2014 | Ryan Choi | PhD in Wildland Resources | Dr. Karen Beard |
2015 | Samantha Corralejo | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Melanie Domenech Rodriquez |
2014 | Sadie Crabb | Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology | Dr. Richard Krannich |
2015 | Tatiana Drugova | PhD in Applied Economics | Dr. Kynda Curtis |
2014 | Leslie Forero | PhD in Wildland Resources | Dr. Andrew Kulmatiski |
2012 | Maureen Frank | PhD in Wildland Resources | Dr. Mike Conover |
2013 | Shawn Hazboun | Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology | Dr. Richard Krannich |
2020 | Coleman Hiett | PhD in Geology | Dr. Dennis Newell |
2017 | Ibrahim Abdelmotelb Ibrahim | PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering | Dr. John Rice |
2019 | Devon Isaacs | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Melissa Tehee |
2013 | Abram Bernard | PhD in Chemistry | Dr. Nick Dickenson |
2013 | Tyler King | PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering | Dr. Bethany Nielson |
2019 | Paul Kusuma | PhD in Plants, Soils and Climate | Dr. Bruce Bugbee |
2014 | Stephanie Kung | PhD in Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences | Dr. Bob Ward |
2012 | Troy Munro | PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | Dr. Heng Ban |
2014 | Brinley Zabriskie | Math and Statistics | Dr. Chris Corcoran |
2017 | Elizabeth Simpson | PhD in Ecology | |
2016 | Jackson Reid | PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | Dr. Doug Hunsaker |
2015 | Yajie Li | PhD in Environment and Society | Dr. Peter Howe |
2013 | Kaylee Litson | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Christian Geiser |
2020 | Beth Ogata | PhD in Ecology | Dr. Michelle Baker |
2020 | Allison Roxburg | PhD in Teacher Education and Leadership with an Emphasis in Mathematics | Dr. Patricia Moyer-Packenham |
2014 | Robert McDermott | PhD in Geology | Dr. Alexis Ault |
2013 | Jarod Raithel | PhD in Wildland Resources | Dr. Lise Aubry |
2012 | Brooke Smith | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Michael Twohig |
2015 | Carla Orellana | PhD in Special Language and Rehabilitation | Dr. Ron Gillam |
2015 | Taylor Sorenson | PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering | Dr. JMarc Maguire |
2019 | Tatiana Soboleva | PhD in Organic Chemistry | Dr. Lisa Berreau |
2012 | Jeon Sun Young | PhD in Sociology | Dr. Eric Reither |
2019 | Kaitlyn Spangler | PhD in Environment and Society | Dr. Jordan Smith |
2017 | Mathangi Soundararajan | PhD in Biochemistry | Dr. Lance Seefeldt |
2015 | Beth Shirley | PhD in English | Dr. Jared Colton |
2013 | Boyang Wang | PhD in Computer Science | Dr. Ming Li |
2016 | Emily Virgin | PhD in Biology | Dr. Susannah French |
2013 | Beth Ogata | PhD in Biology | Dr. Michelle Baker |
2017 | Claudia Wright | PhD in Sociology | Dr. Erin Hofmann |
2014 | Talin Louder | Kinesiology & Health Science | Dr. Eadric Bressel |
2020 | Emily Wilkins | PhD in Environment and Society | Dr. Jordan Smith |