About Dr. Brian Higginbotham

Dr. Brian Higginbotham
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Human Development and Family Studies

Brian Higginbotham is the Associate Vice President for USU Extension and a Professor in the Department of Family, Consumer, and Human Development. He directs family-life Extension programs that promote healthy relationships. He also administers Utah’s legislated online Divorce Orientation course. His Utah Marriage Handbook is used in schools throughout Utah and is distributed by many county clerks. Dr. Higginbotham’s programs and resources have attracted more than $12 million in supporting grants, yielded over 40 academic articles, garnered multiple awards for excellence, and have extended USU’s family-life resources to every county in the state.

Relationship Education: Skills for Couples, Parents and Stepfamilies

Relationships can be a blessing or a curse. Fortunately, any relationship can be enhanced with the right knowledge, attitude, and skills- which are fostered through relationship education programs. Dr. Higginbotham has created one of the largest research-based relationship education initiatives in the country with programs for those who are single, dating, married, remarried, or divorced. With courses like Smart Steps for stepfamilies, Parenting with Love and Logic, and How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk/Jerkette, he reaches tens of thousands of relationships while concurrently researching how, when, and why these programs are most effective.