About Dr. Vonda Jump
Dr. Vonda Jump
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Sociology, Social Work & Anthropology Department
Dr. Vonda Jump is a senior research scientist in the research and evaluation division of the Center for Persons with Disabilities in USU’s Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. Dr. Jump’s interests include professional development of those working with young children, babies’ and toddlers’ relationships with their caregivers, infant massage, the intersection between mental and physical health, and the influence of stress on individual coping and functioning. Dr. Jump teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in the Departments of Family, Consumer, and Human Development and Psychology.
Overcoming Trauma
In this presentation Dr. Vonda Jump discusses the benefits of infant massage. Her results draw on research done in orphanages in Ecuador and Haiti. She also looks at cortisol levels of babies in these orphanages.