Sol Dancer Daisy

Sol Dancer daisy (Tetraneuris acaulis var. arizonica), is a hardy, tufted perennial that grows naturally across vast regions of the Intermountain West between elevations of 4,000-7,000 feet. In Utah, and at other locations throughout the United States, it has performed superbly as a low accent in both formal and naturalized plantings. It blooms regularly from spring until fall. In fact, when frosts have been delayed, its blooms have remained until the first part of December. It generally will not get larger than 15" tall or wide. and its yellow, coin-shaped flowers combine nicely with other water-wise plants such as ‘Wasatch Fire’ firechalice (Epilobium canum subsp. garrettii). We recommend this plant for a dry, sunny area of the garden. Regular deadheading, although not necessary, will extend the bloom during the growing season as well as maintain a tidy appearance.


•  Water-wise once established: Plant requires only 1-2” of water every 2.5 weeks

•  Requires minimal deadheading

•  Tolerant of many soil types: Thrives in lean soils


Potential Commercial Applications include local nurseries and wholesale growers and propagators.

Image of "Sol Dancer" Daisy, a yellow daisy flower.



Questions about this technology including licensing availability can be directed to:

Christian S. Iverson, MBA
Executive Director, Technology Transfer Services
(435) 797-9620

USU ID C16044

Development Stage

TRL 4 


'Sol Dancer' Registered as
Utah Trademark No. 10814292-0190