High-Voltage High-Frequency Transformer

Transformers are needed to convert a high voltage from the grid and bring the voltage down to a more useful voltage. This technology increases efficiency by decreasing size without sacrificing performance and applies other mechanisms to improve voltage conversion.


Transformers are big and bulky. Converting voltages releases a lot of heat which must be combatted with more machinery and parts in order to cool the machine to allow it to continue functioning. Addition of these parts increases size, weight, and maintenance. It takes lots of  time to convert voltages and charge vehicles and other equipment.


By utilizing various novelties in the field, this transformer maximizes function and ability while significantly minimizing space. This is achieved through zero voltage switching, utilizing a potting compound, and reorganizing the shape of the transformer’s core. 


Minimizing space and increasing efficiency of transformers will allow for faster and better charging. As the world turns to electric vehicles as the new mode of transportation, it becomes ever more important to advance technology in the electrical field. Transformers become easier to move and use as size is decreased.


Businesses such as Tesla would greatly benefit from implementing this technology which would allow for easier charging of electric vehicles. One of the major drawbacks for these electric vehicles is the inconvenience of charging due to the length of time required. By decreasing the size of the transformers while increasing efficiency, it becomes easier to maintain and easier to use while allowing for faster charging.

Old Main building front view


Questions about this technology including licensing availability can be directed to:

Alan Edwards, MA, JD
Manager, Technology Transfer Services
(435) 797-2328 alan.edwards@usu.edu

USU ID C21011


Bryce Hesterman, MS
Electrical Engineering

Development Stage


Patent Status

Under Review