Load Reducing and Adjustable Climbing Quickdraw

An innovative design for a quickdraw, allowing a climber to fall more safely and result in less injuries from the catch of a quickdraw.


Rock climbers establish various anchor points along the wall and tie themselves to these points to limit the distance traveled in the event of a fall. Quickdraws are used to attach the anchor points. Even with limited distance, however, the climber still experiences a sudden and abrupt upward force, which can cause injury.


This new quickdraw design slows the fall of the climber before the quickdraw fully catches the climber, functioning similarly to an airbag in a car; the more the force of collision is spread out, the less the impact on the person. The quickdraw is similar to a bungee cord that slows the fall so that the climber feels less of an upward force as the quickdraw catches the climber from the fall.


This technology would prove beneficial for all levels of climbers. This technology creates a safer way to rock climb thus encouraging novices to climb and more advanced climbers to extend their capabilities and climb even more challenging terrain.


Rock climbing businesses that guide others would offer this technology as an additional safety feature and consumers that want to try rock climbing would feel safer doing so with this technology and would thus more actively pursue this hobby.


Questions about this technology including licensing availability can be directed to:

Alan Edwards, MA, JD
Manager, Technology Transfer Services
(435) 797-2328 alan.edwards@usu.edu

USU ID C21031


Scott Greenhalgh, Ph.D.,
Outdoor Product Design & Development

Development Stage

TRL 4: Small-scale prototype for testing & demonstration