Find Office of Research updates, happenings, and resources that have been shared with the USU research community.
February 2024
Find information about the NSF CAREER Academy and InterFACE, a new multi-institutional initiative to support faculty developing competitive proposals.
January 2024
Find information about the spring IRB training sessions, NSF expectations for AI use in proposal development, and the benefits of disclosing your technology discoveries.
December 2023
Find information about the FY24 Capital Equipment Grants Program, purchasing or receiving new research equipment, a new funding opportunity for Arts & Humanities Research, and the Arts & Humanities Proposal Writing Seminar.
November 2023
Find information about the new Integrated Team Research (ITR) seed grant program, a research roundtable with President Cantwell, the potential Federal government Shutdown, the new SciENcv requirement for biosketch and support documentation, ORCID setup, and an Arts & Humanities Proposal Writing Seminar.
October 2023
Find information about Qualtrics fraud detection, conflict of interest disclosures related to foreign payment or support, annual faculty proposal writing seminar, AI in research, research misconduct, and how Technology Transfer Services can help translate research areas into immediate application.
September 2023
Find information about undergraduate research fellows, NSF RCR training requirements, annual compliance Conflict of Interest training, Department of Defense (DoD) review of awards for foreign influence, proposal development resources, safety reminders (waste labeling), and upcoming training and workshops, in the September 2023 issue of the Office of Research Updates.