The Sponsored Programs Division enhances and facilitates research and other sponsored activities by providing the University community with professional and effective administrative expertise in the management of sponsored projects, while preserving the rights and interests of the University, the researcher, the sponsor, and the community.
- Assist faculty and staff with funding opportunities
- Review, officially approve, and submit proposals and applications
- Negotiate awards, material transfer, and non-disclosure agreements
- Facilitate sub award collaborations
- Manage awards, including all non-financial administration, compliance issues, reporting oversight, and administrative project close out
USU’s Internal Deadline for Proposal Submission
Effective Monday, October 3, 2022, proposals must be received in Kuali by the Sponsored Programs Office 4 full business days prior to the sponsor deadline. This is an increase of one business day from prior USU SPO policy.
An example of the four (4) full business day timeline is shown below:
Day 1: Monday | Day 2: Tuesday | Day 3: Wednesday | Day 4: Thursday | Sponsor Deadline: Friday |
Proposal in Kuali due to SPO by 8:00 am with department and college approvals complete | Federal Electronic Submission | Sponsor Deadline 5:00 pm |
Proposals that do not meet the four (4) full business day deadline will be reviewed only to the extent time allows and with priority given to ensure compliance with USU requirements. SPO cannot guarantee the successful submission of a late proposal or that the proposal will comply with sponsor requirements.
We strongly encourage PIs to reach out to their designated SPO pre-award (proposal) contact as early as possible in the proposal preparation process for information and guidance.
USU researchers can review the Office of Research memo in Box. If you have any difficulties accessing the memo, please email Jeri Hansen.