Awards and Recognition

The Office of Research has many opportunities for students and faculty to be recognized for their involvement and achievements in research. Whether you research independently, mentor undergraduates, or tutor graduate students, there are opportunities for you to be recognized. Please read below to see what awards you could be eligible for.

Jasmine Morales, '23 Sociology graduate, modeling the blue Undergraduate Research Scholar graduation cord with her research mentor Dr. Crescencio López-González

Jasmine Morales, '23 Sociology graduate, modeling the blue Undergraduate Research Scholar graduation cord with her research mentor Dr. Crescencio López-González

Undergraduate Research Awards

Peak Prize: Undergraduate Researcher of the Year

This award was inaugurated in 2004 and endowed by David and Terry Peak in 2008. In addition to being an excellent student, a notable undergraduate researcher is one who has consistently engaged in independent inquiry through classes, student employment, and independent research grants (URCO). Students also typically seek to share their results at undergraduate research events or professional conferences.

Peak Prizes are awarded on a college and university basis.

Award Information

Student Research Symposium Winners

Every April, the Student Research Symposium is held during Research Week. This symposium offers students from all stages of research the chance to present either a poster or oral presentation explaining their research and its significance. Out of these students, a handful are chosen as the winners, based on the feedback that judges give their presentations. Click below to learn more.

Visit SRS

USU Academic Awards for Undergraduates

Undergraduate Research Transcript Designation

The Undergraduate Research Scholar Transcript Designation is given to more fully recognize the accomplishments of USU’s undergraduate researchers.

To qualify for the Undergraduate Research Scholar, the student must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of a minimum of two semesters of research, scholarship, or creative activity supervised by a faculty mentor. Quantifying a number of hours per week spent on the project is helpful; students can keep a log of their time. A specific quantity is not required since the work may take place over a minimum of two semesters or go at a different pace over an extended number of semesters.
  • Dissemination of research through a recognized venue such as the on-campus Student Showcase, Undergraduate Research Day at the State Capitol, Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Council on Undergraduate Research’s Posters on the Hills, or a professional conference in the field of study. Alternate venues for creative activity may include art exhibitions or performances.
  • The endorsement of the faculty mentor(s)

Additional activities that may be considered in the plan for achieving the transcript designation, but are NOT required, include the following:

  • A substantial written product from the research, scholarship, or creative activity. This could be a senior thesis, journal article, Honors thesis.
  • Enrollment in and completion of research credits. (For departments that do not have a research course, the university course—USU 4900 Undergraduate Research—may be used.)
  • Certification for research activities such as Institutional Review Board (IRB) training in human subjects research or training in animal research.
  • Development of a research portfolio (electronic or non-electronic).

Students should submit their applications and mentors should endorse them before the following deadlines:

Graduating in Fall - November 30
Graduating in Spring - March 15

Upon each student's submission, an email will automatically request their mentor's endorsement through an online form. Alternately, mentors can email the endorsement to at any time prior to the deadline.

If you are planning to present at the USU Fall or Spring Student Research Symposium, you may submit this application prior to your presentation. The Office of Research will conditionally approve the application and finalize it after verifying your presentation at the event. 

For more information, please contact or click below to submit.

Submit Eligibility

Submit Letter of Recommendation

Prestige Scholarships

There are many opportunities for students to receive national recognition for their achievements. Among these are the Fulbright Student Program, the Goldwater Scholarship, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the Truman Scholarship, the Udall Scholarship, and more. Get in touch with our office if you are interested in learning more about these scholarships.

Current Research Opportunities

Past Goldwater Scholars

Space Dynamics Laboratory Scholarships

The Office of Research manages several scholarships supported by the Space Dynamics Lab that eligible students can apply for. These are available to students who are in engineering or computer science.

Learn More