Title: OHVs and salmon streams: Identifying factors in stream-crossing decisions

Name: Jake Gottschalk
Mentor: Dr. Zachary Miller

Salmonid populations are an important cultural, recreational, and economic resource throughout Alaska that are threatened by multiple sources. One often-overlooked source is damage to streambeds from recreation, especially from motorized recreation. OHV (off-highway vehicle) use can increase turbidity, nutrient loads, and erosion in these streams, which is harmful for juvenile salmonids. Stream crossings are common in the Mat-Su borough of Alaska, and enforcement for approved low-impact crossings is almost nonexistent. This study focused on developing a model, based on interviews and survey data, that explained OHV user’s motive-driven stream crossings. Preliminary randomized interviews were conducted to focus survey questions, which revealed that approximately 90% of OHV users didn’t know about approved crossings. Interview results showed strong motive for crossings that had low environmental impact and even stronger motive for crossings focused on safety. These interviews lead to refinements in the survey instrument, which focused on the importance of specific motives such as safety, environmental impacts, congestion, etc. and support for possible management actions, loosely based on the theory of planned behavior. Reliability analyses were conducted on the factors for the generalized linear model (GLM) to simplify the model and reduce collinearity. The model showed that safety and environmental responses were the most important predictors of crossing best practice behaviors. Signage and other indirect management methods were favored over direct management methods by survey respondents at this site. Signage focused on safety in conjunction with low-impact crossing locations was suggested to management as the best course of action. The results from this study will help inform managers in designing stream crossings and their supporting signage as OHV use continues to increase.