Title: Connecting Attention & Reading Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Name: Jennifer Ha
Mentor: Dr. Maryellen McClain Verdoes

This research will assess whether there is a significant difference in the correlation of attention and reading levels of school aged children that have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the correlation of attention and reading levels of school aged children that do not have ASD. I will be looking at data from two populations: school aged children with ASD and school aged children without ASD. Most of the participants for this study will come from Cache County, Utah, so that limiting factor of sample demographics should be taken into account.

Considering the meager amount of research that has been done on the attention and reading achievement of children with ASD, the purpose of this poster presentation is to (1) display the methodology, data, and findings of this research project and (2) discuss any implications this may have and where to go next. Depending on the results, if they are significant, this project may be built upon and further developed to examine possible factors that may affect or lead to significant results.

The CONNERS 3 assessment was administered to evaluate the attention levels of school age children six to twelve years of age. This assessment is generally used in helping diagnose ADHD (Connors, Pitkanen, & Rzepa, 2008;Pearson, 2008). It takes into account the social, home, and school setting of the child. The GORT 5 assessment was also administered to those same subjects to assess their reading ability at the time (Wiederholt & Bryant, 2012). SPSS was used to run analyses and results were exported in tables from the program.