Student Spotlight: Alison Fife

Alison Fife
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

One university student has done much to dispel the fears other students may have of those from other faiths on the Utah State University campus this year.

Allison Fife, a 21-year-old senior, is president and one of the organizers of the university’s Interfaith Students Association. New this year, the group is an outgrowth of a campus-wide interfaith initiative involving faculty, staff and students that began last year at USU.

And in just the short time since this school year began, Fife said she already has seen changes on campus as a result of interfaith efforts.

“Between the broader campus initiative and creating a student organization, a lot of people are thinking more about the importance of interfaith interactions,” she said.

But Fife also admits that she hasn’t seen any changes so great as those in her own life.

“Looking for what we had in common helped me see more clearly the things I held strongly in my faith,” she said. “For me as I looked at interfaith work across the world and started to see what it can mean to have religious cooperation, I have reexamined for myself some of the teachings in my faith that would encourage me to interact more positively with those of other faiths.”

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