Student Spotlight: Olivia Brock

Olivia Brock
Majors: Art History and Mathematics & Statistics
Mentor: Dr. Alexa Sand

Olivia Brock came to USU from West Valley City and is pursuing a double major in Art History and Mathematics and Statistics. In her free time she enjoys puzzles and aviation, with the goal of getting her pilot’s license eventually.

Olivia got involved in research through an art history class, where her current mentor Dr. Alexa Sand, suggested she do a class project on astrolabes, a historical mathematical measuring tool. Since then she has continued studying this topic through a funded URCO grant. Her project The Astrolabe from a Scientific and Art Historical Perspective combines science and art as she studies what science and scientific measurement tell us about culture.

After graduation, she is planning on exploring her options to see what career path is best for her interests.