
As part of your URCO responsibilities, there are three components to fulfilling the requirements of the grant: presenting your research, submitting a final report, and submitting a financial report.

While most students choose to submit their reports together at the conclusion of their project, each component can be submitted as it is completed. For instance, the financial report can be filed as soon as all purchases for the project have been made.

For the presentation requirement, you will be asked to note any presentations you have made, as well as any that you are planning to make.

If you would like to include copies of any presentation materials, you are encouraged to attach them as ‘additional files’ in the online form. Anything you submit may be used as examples for future students.

Final Report
The final report is approximately 2-4 pages summarizing what you did, what you found, and what you learned. Please include an impact statement explaining how the URCO grant helped you to achieve your educational goals and to develop as a student researcher, professionally and/or personally.

If you have prepared an abstract or poster for your project to present or publish, you can include this as part of your final report.

Financial Report
If you received the optional research expenses funding in addition to your URCO scholarship award, you are required to submit a financial report using this form. This report delineates expenditures and must include copies (photographs or scanned images are acceptable) of all receipts; reports are not considered complete without receipts.  Note that the report requires signatures from your mentor and a person with budget authority over the purchases.

Reporting Deadlines

The reporting deadlines are set for one year from the notification of funding:

  • Spring 2023: December 4, 2023
  • Summer 2023: April 1, 2024
  • Fall 2023: August 24, 2024
  • Spring 2024: January 15, 2025

Failure to close out the URCO grant officially can result in holds being placed on records. Students with existing URCO grants are not eligible to apply for a second grant until their first grant has been closed and all reports received.

Extensions may be requested. All requests must be sent to You will be asked to explain the rationale for your request and provide documentation about the proposed new timeline.