Research AI Help & Resources

As a research institution, Utah State University does its best to adapt to changes in general research policies, advances in technology, and other factors directly or indirectly related to research. One such development that researchers cannot ignore is the advent of artificial intelligence as a tool. The new technology opens many opportunities, but also raises questions and concerns about its use in research. To better equip researchers, the Office of Research has compiled several resources for research faculty and staff members to consult.



Research AI Summit

The Office of Research is promoting opportunities to help USU's cadre of high-achieving researchers continue their quest for discovery. A series of Research Summits is being hosted by the Office of Research, including one focused on Artificial Intelligence in research.

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AI Funding Opportunities

The AI funding landscape is rapidly evolving. To support USU researchers in this emerging area, USU's Office of Research has curated a list of external AI-related funding opportunities through GrantForward.


Compliance Information

Current developing regulations governing the use of AI in research may create uncertainty regarding appropriate ways to implement AI in research. Utah State University strongly encourages faculty to consider several points when determining if AI use is appropriate for their research.