Dan Perry

Research Administration

SR. Programming/Systems Analyst

Dan Perry

Contact Information

Phone: (435) 797-8909
Email: dan.perry@usu.edu


Dan Perry is the Director of Research Administration Systems at Utah State University. His role involves coordinating and implementing various systems that are vital to the successful administration of research at USU. He is an expert on the Kuali Research system.

Before accepting his position in the Office of Research in 2015, Dan was a lead programmer on a system that would be replaced by Kuali. He was instrumental to implementing the transition to Kuali and has since built a strong relationship with Kuali Inc. This relationship has been invaluable as it provides the leverage needed to get the changes to the software implemented that USU wants and needs.

Dan earned his BS degree in Information Systems at USU. He has presented nationally on the reporting strategies used in the Office of Research. He has also served as a Kuali Ambassador, where he helped bring the community of schools together to discuss issues surrounding program improvement.

Dan is an avid golfer and if you have an emergency in the evening you may just reach him in on the fairway.