Conflict of Interest (COI) Responsibilities



Every USU employee involved in research (or submitting proposals) is required to complete the Conflict of Interest for Researchers training in the Learn Blue system and complete a COI disclosure via Kuali. The COI training is included as part of the university-wide annual compliance training schedule.

A new disclosure is required:

  • When an employee is first hired at USU
  • Within 10 days of a change to the employee’s Significant Financial Interest(s)
  • Upon being awarded a sponsored project if a financial entity has been previously disclosed


  • Within 365 days of the most recent disclosure submission

**Please note that failure to comply with COI policies may subject offenders to potential sanctions, ranging from a verbal warning to termination of employment.


RIC is responsible for collecting, tracking, and maintaining all records associated with Conflicts of Interest related to research at USU.

RIC reviews every researcher COI disclosure, determines if a research-related COI exists, and makes the final approval decision for all research Management Plans.

RIC provides education to faculty, students, and staff and assists other USU offices and committees (including the IRB, SPO, and IACUC) with questions concerning research COIs.