Export Compliance Working Group

Export control regulations impact USU campus in a variety of ways, both directly and indirectly. In an attempt to increase collaboration and the sharing of expertise between effected individuals and offices around campus, the Research Integrity & Compliance Office created the Export Compliance Working Group. The Export Compliance Working Group meets throughout the year to discuss questions, concerns, and procedures related to USU’s export control compliance program.

Job Title Representative
Advancement Colleen Hobson
Equipment Management/Surplus Deb Megill
Global Engagement Chris Cameron
Human Resources Danielle Anderson
Information Technology Niel Nickolaisen
Internal Audit Darin Mathis
Purchasing Kim Flippence
Jill Ballard
Research Integrity & Compliance Devin Hansen
Joy Van Nostrand
Risk Management Mike George
Sponsored Programs Amber Buatte
Technology Transfer Christian Iverson