Additional Resources

Search by title, category, or topic. This includes NIH RCR topics like: research misconduct, questionable research practice, data management, data analysis tools/image analysis, record keeping, secure and ethical data use, data confidentiality, scientific rigor, reproducibility, responsible authorship, publication, peer review, conflicts of interest in research, conflict of commitment, mentor/mentee responsibilities and relationships, collaborative science, civility issues in research environments, safe research environments, laboratory safety, biosafety, human research subjects, animal research subjects, scientists as responsible members of society, social and environmental impacts of research, and contemporary ethical issues in biomedical research.

Resource Title Category Topic
How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researchers -
COPE Report 2003
Publications Authorship
What constitutes authorship -
COPE discussion document on authorship
Publications Authorship
Predatory journals: no definition, no defense -
Proposed definition of predatory journal; Nature 576, 210-212 (2019)
Publications Predatory Journals
Think Check Attend -
Tools to evaluate whether a journal or conference is legitimate
Publications Predatory Journals
A Guidebook for Teaching Selected Responsible Conduct of Research Topics to a Culturally Diverse Trainee Group -
Guidebook funded by the RCR Resource Development Program of the Office of Research Integrity to address training needs of international postdocs who may not have received RCR training prior to working in the US.
Teaching RCR Diversity and Inclusion
Lab leadership best practices -
Checklist of best practices from the P.I. Program
Leading a Lab Leading a Lab
Faculty reinforcement of RCR -
Infographic from the Bioethics Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis
Leading a Lab Teaching RCR
How to Be a Great Leader in Science -
Opinion piece in Scietific American (Feb. 11, 2022 issue)
Leading a Lab Leading a Lab
Path2integrity -
Path2Integrity aims to support formal and informal learning methods and contribute to establishing a culture of research integrity
Research Integrity Consortia or Programs Teaching RCR, Leading a Lab
COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics -
COPE is committed to educating and supporting editors, publishers, universities, research institutes, and all those involved in publication ethics
Research Integrity Consortia or Programs Publications
The Embassy of Good Science -
The Embassy of Good Science provides a place where the community can share experiences and insights, deepening understanding and continuously contribute to the development of good science
Research Integrity Consortia or Programs Responsible Research
Train the Trainer program is aimed at researchers and educators from different disciplines who want to become trainers in Research Integrity
Research Integrity Consortia or Programs Teaching RCR
SOPs4RI (Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity) -
SOPs4RI (Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity) is a multi-partner project to develop a toolbox to help research organizations and funders cultivate research integrity and reduce detrimental practice
Research Integrity Consortia or Programs Responsible Research
Addressing concerns about systematic manipulation of the publication process -
COPE Supplemental Guidance on paper mills
Publications Predatory Journals
Bridging the Research Gap: A Toolkit on Inclusive Research and Development Practices -
Research Report by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Leading a Lab Diversity and Inclusion, Civility issues, human research
Center for Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) -
CIMER provides training for individuals, institutions, and organizations across the country to optimize research mentoring relationships
Leading a Lab Mentoring
Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment Open Access -
Open access book by Kelvin K Droegemeier on "[w]hat next-generation scholars need to know in order to thrive, and how they can actively participate in shaping the academic research enterprise."
Leading a Lab Publications, peer review, Responsible Research, Collaborative science, New Gaculty
Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientifıc Management for Postdocs and New Faculty -
Manual based on the joint Burroughs Wellcome Fund and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) course in laboratory leadership and management at HHMI
Leading a Lab Postdocs, New Faculty, Mentoring, Data Management, Publications, Collaborative Science
P.I. Program: Professionalism & Integrity in Research -
Training program for Pis
Leading a Lab New Faculty, Training, Responsible Research