Steps for Complying with the OSHA Lab Standard

The OSHA lab standard can be found under 29 CFR 1910.1450


Obtain a copy of the USU Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) from the Environmental Health & Safety Office

Every person working in a laboratory should be familiar with the CHP for that laboratory. USU CHP Boiler-plate is available on the USU EH&S website here or an electronic version can be sent via e-mail.

Complete and maintain an inventory of hazardous materials (chemicals)

At a minimum, this information should include the chemical name, CAS number, manufacturer, primary hazard (e.g. flammable, oxidizer, corrosive), and the maximum quantity that could be in the lab.

Maintain a file of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemicals in the lab

Retain SDSs received following chemical purchases.

Make any needed changes to the CHP boiler-plate to reflect conditions in your lab

This will include identification of particularly hazardous chemicals and procedures, development of Chemical Hygiene Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and safety rules and safety information specific to the laboratory.
  • Identification of particularly hazardous chemical and procedures. The OSHA Lab Standard identifies the following chemical categories to be “particularly hazardous substances”: carcinogens, chemicals of high acute toxicity, reproductive toxins (teratogens and mutagens), allergens, and chemicals with a potential for significant physical hazard such as, extremely reactive materials and cryogenic liquids.
  • Chemical Hygiene Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are required for particularly hazardous substances and procedures.
  • Safety Rules or Safety Information Specific to the Laboratory. At a minimum this must include tasks requiring prior approval, location of the chemical inventory, SDSs, CHP, lab visitor requirements, housekeeping procedures, location and availability of personal protective equipment and spill response supplies and emergency response information. A map of the lab with chemical storage areas, hoods, and safety equipment is desirable.

Ensure that laboratory workers are informed about laboratory safety, the requirements of the OSHA Lab Standard, and the Chemical Hygiene Plan for the Lab

Communication of chemical hygiene and safety considerations specific to the lab are the direct responsibilities of the principal investigator or laboratory supervisor.
All laboratory personel must complete a one time Lab Safety Initial training followed by annual completion of Lab Safety Refresher training.

Submit you Chemical Hygiene Plan

Submit your plan annually to the Chemical Hygiene Committee and send an electronic copy to Rachel Curry at

Perform chemical laboratory self inspections

A “Laboratory Safety Audit Form” is available. For additional information, contact the Chemical Hygiene Officer, Rachel Curry at 435-797-7423.