Physical Safety


Asbestos can be hazardous to your health and requires special handling. If you plan on remodeling or renovating any structure, you may be subject to State and/or Federal regulations requiring inspection for asbestos. We have inspectors available on campus to submit samples and monitor asbestos abatement. Contact EHS 435.797.2892 with any questions regarding asbestos on campus. 

Bloodborne Pathogens

OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) as amended pursuant to the 2000 Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, is a regulation that prescribes safeguards to protect workers against health hazards related to bloodborne pathogens. It has provisions for exposure control plans, engineering and work practice controls, hepatitis B vaccinations, hazard communication and training, and recordkeeping. The standard imposes requirements on employers of workers who may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials such as certain tissues and body fluids.

Confined Spaces

What are confined spaces?

Many workplaces contain areas that are considered "confined spaces" because while they are not necessarily designed for people, they are large enough for workers to enter and perform certain jobs. A confined space also has limited or restricted means for entry or exit and is not designed for continuous occupancy. Confined spaces include, but are not limited to, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, pits, manholes, tunnels, equipment housings, ductwork, pipelines, etc.

OSHA uses the term "permit-required confined space" (permit space) to describe a confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics: contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; contains material that has the potential to engulf an entrant; has walls that converge inward or floors that slope downward and taper into a smaller area which could trap or asphyxiate an entrant; or contains any other recognized safety or health hazard, such as unguarded machinery, exposed live wires, or heat stress.

Examples of permit required spaces on campus include:

  • Inside boilers
  • Sanitary sewer manholes
  • Storage tanks
  • Air tunnel vessel
  • Inside pipes or tunnels
  • Energized electrical manholes
  • Active steam manholes

Examples of non-permit spaces on campus include:

  • Telecommunication manholes
  • Storm sewers
  • Elevator pits
  • Mechanical pits
  • Non energized electrical manholes
  • Non active steam manholes

Contact USU EHS 435.797.2892 before entering any confined space.

Electrical – Lockout Tag Out

The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910.147

You may not realize that some of your research requires you to train employees and students in LOCKOUT/TAGOUT procedures, but we can help! See attached OSHA Fact Sheet and contact USU EHS to request assistance with this program.

OSHA Fact Sheet


Ergonomics is the study of minimizing the hazards and maximizing the efficiency of a person’s work environment. 

Services EHS offers:

  • Providing information about ergonomics
  • Providing consultation regarding workstation setup
  • Giving training on ergonomics at any of the work locations across campus and at our statewide campus locations. 

Contact EHS to request any of these services. 


What are powered industrial trucks?

Powered industrial trucks, commonly called forklifts or lift trucks, are used in many industries, primarily to move materials. They can also be used to raise, lower, or remove large objects or a number of smaller objects on pallets or in boxes, crates, or other containers. Powered industrial trucks can either be ridden by the operator or controlled by a walking operator. 

What training does OSHA require?

The standard requires employers to develop and implement a training program based on the general principles of safe truck operation, the types of vehicle(s) being used in the workplace, the hazards of the workplace created by the use of the vehicle(s), and the general safety requirements of the OSHA standard. Trained operators must know how to do the job properly and do it safely as demonstrated by workplace evaluation. Formal (lecture, video, etc.) and practical (demonstration and practical exercises) training must be provided. Employers must also certify that each operator has received the training and evaluate each operator at least once every three years. Prior to operating the truck in the workplace, the employer must evaluate the operator's performance and determine the operator to be competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely. Refresher training is needed whenever an operator demonstrates a deficiency in the safe operation of the truck. Training shall consist of a combination of formal instruction (e.g., lecture, discussion, interactive computer learning, video tape, written material), practical training (demonstrations performed by the trainer and practical exercises performed by the trainee), and evaluation of the operator's performance in the workplace. [29 CFR 1910.178(l)(2)(ii)]

Forklift Inspection Checklist

Contact EHS to schedule your forklift operator training or refresher training. 


A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a method that can be used to identify, analyze, and record

  1. The steps involved in performing a specific job,
  2. The existing or potential safety and health hazards associated with each step, and
  3. The recommended action(s)/procedure(s) that will eliminate or reduce these hazards and the risk of a workplace injury or illness.

Use this attachment to help you conduct a thorough JSA that will keep your work area a safe place for USU employees.

Guide for a Job Safety Analysis

OSHA General Duty Clause

Utah State University is a thriving campus of 24,421 students, 865 faculty, and 1,980 full-time staff, and every single person is affected by health and safety issues. Student researchers, facilities and maintenance workers, and faculty and office staff should all be familiar with the rules and regulations that help keep them safe.

This includes everything from handling hazardous chemicals to operating heavy machinery to working in an ergonomic environment. The EHS Office helps everyone stay safe. The General Duty Clause from the OSHA Act of 1970 requires all employers provide a work environment "free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm." Let’s work together to keep USU a safe environment. For further reference, view the OSHA General Duty Clause or USU policy 337

Shop Safety

  • Shop Safety at USU is everyone’s responsibility
  • Access to the shop during non-hours of operation is strictly prohibited
  • Tools and machines may only be used by trained and AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL
  • Most Common Machine Shop Injuries
    • Material handling and repetitive strain injuries
    • Hand tool-related injuries
    • Chemical hazards and poor ventilation
    • Failure to act
    • Poor guarding techniques
  • Do not use equipment if you are using any medication or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, etc.
  • Never work in the shop alone
  • Long Hair must be tied back No loose clothing including ties, necklaces, floppy sleeves, jewelry, etc.
  • Safety glasses MUST be worn at all times Open-toed footwear is not permitted in the shop. Non-slip, thick, leather work boots recommended
  • Safety guards must be in place at all times, ensure guides and fences are tight Report damaged safety guards, machines, and tools to the Shop Supervisor
  • Keep blades covered as much as possible
  • Keep your work area clean, do not place tools and materials on the machine table
  • Put tools away when you are done using them
  • NEVER leave tools unattended
  • Only one person may work at a machine at a time
  • Report Safety Issues to the Shop Supervisor
  • Never push a cutter towards any part of your body
  • Never make heavy cuts with planers, jointers, and routers
  • Plywood and particleboard must NOT be worked with the jointer or planer
  • Do not work small pieces on power machinery; use hand tools
  • Always secure the work pieces with clamps or a vise
  • NEVER remove metal ships, turnings, or shaving with your hands
  • NEVER remove metal ships, turnings, or shaving with your hands
  • Never use compressed air without a safety nozzle to clean machines or clothing
  • No running or horseplay No eating in the shop area
  • Always follow the Shop Supervisor’s directions
  • Report all injuries (even the small ones) to Risk Management
  • Know where to find the First Aid Kit & the Eyewash/Safety Shower.
  • A workshop can be a dangerous place. Ensure you are fully trained on any equipment you'll be using. Be alert and watch for hazards.
  • You and your USU employees can also take the Shop Safety Learn Blue training on USU’s training website.
  • Contact EHS (435.797.2892) with any questions about shop safety or with assistance developing a shop safety program.

Risk Diagram