Staff Directory

Logan Bullough

Logan Bullough

Occupational Safety and Statewide Campus Safety Representative

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 613-5659
Weston Casey

Weston Casey

Hazardous Waste Technician

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-2904
Rachel Curry

Rachel Curry

Laboratory Safety Manager/Radiation Safety Officer

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-7423
Ashley Dagley

Ashley Dagley

Occupational Safety Officer

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: 435-797-1750
Office Location: ECOB 111
Dale Elwood

Dale Elwood

Environmental Manager

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-1053
Eric Jorgensen

Eric Jorgensen

Executive Director

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-2856
Sierra McBride

Sierra McBride

Field and Farm Safety Officer

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-1750
Kirt Poulsen

Kirt Poulsen

Assistant Director, Biological Safety Officer, Industrial Hygienist

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-3507
Andrew Stokes

Andrew Stokes

Laboratory Safety Officer

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-2763
Paula White

Paula White

Staff Assistant

Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: (435) 797-2892

EHS Committees

Chemical Hygiene Committee

The Chemical Hygiene Committee was created to comply with the OSHA Laboratory Standard. The Chemical Hygiene Committee is a subcommittee of the University Safety Committee and is comprised of faculty from a variety of departments that have laboratory operations that use hazardous chemicals.

The committee was formed to oversee chemical hygiene plan implementation and assists with ensuring the safe use of chemicals in university research activities. The chemical hygiene plan stipulates work practices, policies and procedures intended to minimize hazardous chemical exposure to laboratory workers. The committee reviews newly completed chemical hygiene plans and the university boilerplate chemical hygiene plan to determine its continued effectiveness in preventing chemical exposure and to ensure continued compliance with existing standards and regulations.

Joan McLean, Chair
(435) 797-3199

Institutional Biosafety Committee

The Institutional Biosafety Committee reviews and approves research activities that involve recombinant DNA. Approvals are based on compliance with the National Institute of Health (NIH) Guidelines and other applicable federal regulations. The committee also provides guidance and oversees all research activities that require a Biosafety Level (BSL) 2 or 3 containment and involves the use of viral, bacterial, parasitic, rickettsial, fungal agents, and prion diseases. The committee conducts annual reviews of all approved research activities and protocols, conducts inspections and approves laboratory spaces for biological research, and ensures personnel receive appropriate training.

Brian Gowen, Chair
(435) 797-3112

Radiation Safety Committee

The Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for overseeing USU’s use of licensed radioactive material, x-ray producing equipment and class 3B and 4 laser equipment. Committee functions include assuring personnel, public and environmental safety from radiation and compliance with applicable federal and state regulations.

Joan Hevel, Chair
(435) 797-1622

Safety Committee

The Safety Committee reviews and approves or disapproves all policies and procedures that relate to radiation, chemical and occupational safety at the university.

David Vernon, Chair
(435) 797-4246